Expressions solver

The expressions solver is a kind of calculator, devoted to the solution of mathematical expressions of any complexity. Typically, these applications allow you to work with numbers and with fractions, both decimals and ordinary. In addition, the functional of such type applications can be added with different features, like the construction of a number of degree, root finding and working with elementary functions and constants.

You will find one of the best equations solvers in RuNet on this page! Besides the fact that it can solve mathematical examples of any complexity, this solver is also able to simplify expressions and find the roots of equations (though still in beta).

Lovi Otvet (Catch an Answer)

Expressions solver Lovi Otvet (Catch an Answer)
2.4 MB (installer)
Windows XP/Vista/7/8 32&64-bit | iOS | Android 1.5 and higher | JAVA MIDP 2.0/1.0
The home site:
Similar paid soft:

Lovi Otvet (Catch an Answer)

An application for mathematical equations and expressions solving. It allows you to obtain a solution in the form of a visual step by step with detailed dye all the action in a column.

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