Applications blocking

The Applications blocking is a full or partial application execution prevention.


Applications blocking Terminator
200 KB (portable)
Windows XP/Vista/7 32-bit
The home site:
Similar paid soft:
Guard Pro (490 руб.)


A tiny application for the selected applications' activity obstruction. It may be usefull if you decided gently to ward off the other users from your PC, but don't want to hurt them.

The principle of its work is quite simple:

You form the list of application (the names of their execution files) into the caption.ini. E.g.: your friend to often uses your Mozilla Firefox browser to work in the Internet. You have to add a firefox.exe into the application's caption.ini file and run the Terminator before the friend's appearing.

After the Firefox's launching it will begin the troubles: the mouse will stop for some time, different keys will press etc.

To stop this you have to kill Terminator.exe in the Task Manager, or to reboot the PC. If you want the application's working after the reboot, you may place its shortcut into the "Autorun" folder, so the Terminator will start with your system.

Related Links:

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