The ready-to-use set of different web-developer's programs, without the necessity of additional settings.
It includes:
- Apache 1.3.34 web server
- Parser 3.2.2b XML interpreter
- PHP 4.4.2 interpreter with Zend Optimzer and a set of libraries (Exif, GD2, Curl, DomXML, IMAP, MbString, MSSQL, ODBC, Sockets, XML, XSLT, XMLRPC, Zip, Zlib)
- ActiveState Perl 5.8.7 Build 815 interpreter with all standard modules, including DBI, Apache::Registry, DBD::MySQL etc.
- Mod_perl 1.29 module for Apache
- MySQL 4.1.16 server
- Front 2.5 for MySQL databases management
- SMTP-server emulator (alfa-version!)
- Apache Swissknife 3.2 control panel.
You don't need the admin rights for installation and working with the set. All components are configured and ready to work immediately after the installation.