Batch audio files renaming

Batch audio files renaming may need some music lovers who have a large music collection, but have no desire for manually organizing their music records.

APE Renamer 2.6

Batch audio files renaming APE Renamer 2.6
0.1 MB (portable)
Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 32-bit
The home site:
Similar paid soft:
Visual Renamer (300 RUR)

APE Renamer 2.6

This software is intended to change file names (musical files renamer).

The application works with any files, but it is especially useful when dealing with music, as it contains an algorithm for recognizing the artist name and song title.

You can insert or replac part of the file name, delete or insert track numbers, change case of letters in file names, modify any file extension and translate file names from Russian into Translit or vice versa with this application.

In addition, the application can create an immutable words dictionary.

Files renaming with APE Renamer 2.6

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