Free application for files and folder comparison. It has a suitable interface, source code highlighting for many languages, and also wide range of options. Besides that, the application can create reports and work with most Version Control Systems.
File Comparison
A File Comparison (or merging) is a process of comparing two or more text documents containing, for example, different versions of the source code, in order to obtain a final version of the file with all the revisions.
If the document is small, then you can quickly view and fix it without any problem. However, if the documents are long and they are numerous, such a work would be too tedious. You can simplify your work with a special apps for the text files analysis and automatically search those differences. Such a free application we offer you to download from this page!
WinMerge 2.14.0
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Interface: | English/Russian |
OS: | |
Updated: | 2013-06-11 |
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