File Tree

File tree is a graphical presentation of file system as bifurcating from the top to the bottom "tree" of folders and files on the carrier.

NikFileTree 1.8Silver medal from

File Tree NikFileTree 1.8
0.6 MB (portable)
Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 32-bit
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Total Commander (1404 руб.)

NikFileTree 1.8

This program builds the File Tree in the folders and saves it in the text file. The result may be — the Tree, flat list or HTML-page.

It also can:

  • to filter the result — to choose only folders, folders and files, only files;
  • to filter by several masks in one time and hide empty folders (it allows to use the program for file searching and PRINTING of the search results);
  • to limit the level of submersion into the tree;
  • to difference Dos and Windows codings;
  • to adjust the file size and time of creation (for flat list and HTML-page);
  • to sort by name, size, time of creation;
  • to be integrated with the Explorer and so on.

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