File hosting downloader

A file hosting service, online file storage provider, or cyberlocker is a service that provides users with some space for the files and all-day access to them through the web, as a rule with the http-protocol. Such service aloows easy files exchanging. The user is usually upload his hile on the special file hosting page (mostly on the main), and the service gives him a permanent link, which can be sent by e-mail, posted in blogs, forums or reposted through the IM-systems. Clicking on this link any user can download the original file. Some of the file hostings have their affiliate programs.

This page is devoted to the applications which simplify the work with the file hosting services and allow to bypass some limitations of these services.

MiPony 2.5.6

File hosting downloader MiPony 2.5.6
5.7 MB (installer)
Windows 7/8/10 32&64-bit, Android
The home site:
Similar paid soft:

MiPony 2.5.6

A free application which gives us an additional freedom on the files downloading from the online file storage providers..

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