Visual HTML editor

Visual HTML editor (WYSIWYG-editor) allows us to create HTML-pages without any hypertext markup language knowledges — like we create documents in usual office applications — we enter text, paste pictures, tables or other elements and set their parameters.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a standard markup language for web-documents. Almost every web-pages are created with the HTML or its follower — XHTML.

The lack of WYSIWYG HTML editors is the code redundancy, and so the size of page increase significantly.

NVU 1.0

Visual HTML editor NVU 1.0
7.9 MB (installer / portable)
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7 32-bit, Linux, Mac OS X
The home site:
Similar paid soft:

NVU 1.0

WYSIWYG HTML-editor, that is like Macromedia Dreamweaver, but free.

NVU's capacities:

  • several viewing modes supporting;
  • rich capacities for text editing;
  • pictures pasting (including background);
  • separate pages and full sites editing;
  • forms and tables making;
  • the orthographic checking;
  • site's web publication from the program;
  • built-in CSS editor and Java Script console.

Related Links:

HTML editor: RJ TextEd
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Spellchecking system from