Foreign Language

Foreign Language is a language that is not your native one. Russian often involves as a foreign English , the knowledge of which has recently become more and more necessary.

Learning any language involves several aspects, the most important of which are the knowledge of vocabulary (words) and grammar. In practice, however, the possession of a good vocabulary makes up for your lack of knowledge of some grammatical nuances. Therefore, the study of language in the first place should be given to just memorizing vocabulary!

Today we have a lot of different courses and programs for this purpose. On this page we offer you an application that implements the method of studying vocabulary with the cards.

FineMemo 0.6.2

Foreign Language FineMemo 0.6.2
13.1 MB (installer)
Windows XP/Vista/7/8 32&64-bit
The home site:
Similar paid soft:

Related Link: Languages learning Anki

FineMemo 0.6.2

The application for the any foreign language (the default is set to English vocabulary) studying with the cards. It allows not only to show cards with words and translation at specified intervals, but also from time to time offers us to perform simple tasks to refresh in a memory the studied material. Additionally, the application includes a multi-functional translator that allows you to translate selected words into any language of the world!

Related Links:

Languages learning: Anki
This application is a simulator of the delayed repetition of foreign words.
English:Basic English
The application which helps you to learn basics English words without the boring rote.
Гугл переводчик: QTranslate
Переводчик, использующий сервис от Гугл и еще шесть других онлайн-переводчиков.
Translator: My Translator
Free electronic translator of the isolated words.
Электронный словарь: StarDict
Программная оболочка для всевозможных электронных словарей, которые Вы хотели бы иметь под рукой.
Статистика слов: Wordstat
Программа Wordstat для статистического анализа текстов позволяет подсчитать, сколько раз то или иное слово встречается в выбранном тексте.
Английский алфавит: EnABC
Программа для изучения английского алфавита детьми дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.

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