
Autocorrection, jokeAutocorrection is an accelerated text input mechanism which imply an automatic replacement of a specified letter combination with a whole word or even sentence. The Autocorrection is usually called "text expander" for such ability. An autocorrection first appeared in Microsoft Office Word text editor.

Sometimes autocorrection is confused with predictive input in which different words' ends are displayed as you type them. In contrast to this approach, autocorrection operates not with real words but with their abbreviations. For example, "hlw" may be expanded to "Hello" or even "Hello! How are you?".

Below you will find WinType, an application that implements the autocorrection feature in Windows.


Autocorrection WinType
1.4 MB (installer)
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit
The home site:
Similar paid soft:
Type Pilot (1500 руб.)


A free application for automatically text replacing with the user-specified input reductions or keyboard shortcuts.

Related Links:

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