Virtual PDF Printer

A Virtual PDF Printer is an application for PDF-documents creation from every side application with the function of printing. It builts into the system as a new printer. When you start printing on such virtual printer an application creates a PDF-document from the source file and stores it in the specified directory.

doPDF 9.6.244Golden medal from

Virtual PDF Printer doPDF 9.6.244
62.1 MB (installer)
Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 32&64-bit
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Related Link: PDF Converter PDFCreator

doPDF 9.6.244

A PDF documents creator which works like the virtual printer. It helps us to convert different types of files (XLS, DOC, HTML, TXT etc.) to PDF.

You have simply to send your file for printing from any Windows application and than to choose the destination of it's saving. There are all usual printing options enabled and in additional you can set the resolution (from 72 dpi to 2400 dpi) and a sheet size (A4, A5, A6 etc.) of the future PDF-document. The contents of the created PDF-files may be indexed which allows you to find it's information with the applications of the local searching, and to use the search function of the PDF viewers.

Print options of doPDF

Related Links:

Конвертер PDF: PDFCreator
Бесплатный конвертер документов в формат PDF из других форматов.
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